
Fortnite is a mobile version of the same game from the PC on Unreal Engine4, with an identical arsenal of weapons, the same graphics and popularity.

All controls are adjusted for the touch screen, and some actions are automated at all (collecting items, opening doors, etc.) in order to make the control process less difficult.

The user interface is different only one additional button for building, otherwise it is the same Fortnite. The principle of the game is still the same: players land in a convenient location on the map, quickly look for weapons, cans of protective fluid (analog of a bulletproof vest), resources for construction and shoot off 99 other players. Weapons are completely identical, they even have different colors as in the PC version, which in varying degrees indicates their power and rarity.

The plot of the game is uncomplicated and consists in the fact that on the planet Earth as a result of some mysterious cataclysm begins to rage terrible storms. The sky is covered with storm clouds of purple, lightning flashes, and the human cities are slowly invaded by the living dead, which in the game are called “brainiacs”. These creatures quickly enough wiped out most of humanity. The surviving 2% of the humans have grouped together, started building fortifications and trying to figure out what the hell is going on with their home planet after all? The player gets into the role of one of the survivors and tries his best to make a tangible contribution to the common cause of the Stormhunters.

Fortnite is a fascinating cooperative survival simulator for four players. It is possible to play with fewer people or even alone, but in this case it is much harder to perform combat tasks. The story campaign is divided into missions, scattered across the map of the four regions covered by the storm. Each mission has a level of difficulty and a set of objectives, for the completion of which players are rewarded with experience and valuable prizes. Mainly tasks are devoted to researching the storm and finding out the true cause of its origin, expanding the protective energy dome over the headquarters, obtaining new technologies and, of course, saving the survivors.

Among the small number of really popular games with a similar genre of combat, where 100 people land on a huge map and make a mess of it, Fortnite is really the most popular. Largely thanks to the developers’ grand plans in organizing a cross-platform game. So in the near future Adroid players will be able to fight equally with PC, iOS players and console players on the same battlefield, which has never been implemented in almost any multiplayer game mode before.

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